Visiting MRC

Welcome to Maplewood Reformed Church! We’re happy you’ve decided to check us out. We worship at 10 am on Sunday mornings - visit us in person or join us online on our Facebook page or Youtube channel.

The Sunday worship service at Maplewood is about an hour long and has a warm, lightly liturgical tone. We begin by welcoming the congregation and opening with a responsive Call to Worship, followed by three congregational songs. The music selection is a combination of hymns, modern worship songs, and original music. Song lyrics and Scripture are projected onto the wall of the sanctuary, underneath the stained glass window of Jesus the Good Shepherd.

Following the singing is a Prayer for Illumination, the scripture reading, and a 25-30 minute sermon. Following the sermon, the congregation is invited to join in singing a Song of Response before the announcements and the Prayers of the People. Finally, we close by singing the Doxology and then the congregation is dismissed with a Benediction. We observe communion once a month.

Following the service there is coffee and sweets provided in the narthex and everyone is invited to stay for a few minutes to fellowship and catch up. We look forward to meeting you!

  • Dress comfortably and as you wish! You’ll find our congregants dressed in everything from shorts and denim to slacks and ties.

  • Due to COVID-19, we are asking that those who have not been vaccinated to please continue to wear a mask. If you are feeling sick, please do not come to church. Watch our online service instead here.

  • We do not currently have children’s programming or nursery care. Crayons and paper are available in the back of the sanctuary in our library area with comfortable chairs for parents with small children. Changing tables and private nursing space is available in the nursery and preschool rooms located just off of the narthex.

Our hope is that visitors to Maplewood would identify us as a warm and sincere group of believers who fully believe the words that are proclaimed, the prayers that are prayed, and the songs that are sung.